Welcome Letter

The Webshop will send this application to our Membership Team, Stuart and Zena. They are volunteers. They will process your application as soon as they are able, and send you a "New Members Pack" and your Membership Number. On the first of next month and every subsequent month you will be sent a copy of the Club's magazine "The Standard Car Review"

In a year's time you will be sent a renewal reminder enclosed with your magazine. Please look out for it and renew promptly

PLEASE NOTE The Club relies solely on Volunteers to run ll its services. This enables us to keep our costs down to provide you with our services as cheaply and possible, therefore keeping our subscription as low as possible.

We are always looking for new Volunteers. If you have a small amount of time to donate to the Club, please contact our Secretary, Lynda Homer on 01727 868405 for an informal chat, without commitment .

Welcome to the Standard Motor Club. We hope you will make full use of our services and join in our Events.

Kind regards

Phil Homer

Webshop Manager